I’m starting this new blog as a way to not only track my daily activities in being more prepared spiritually and temporally, but also in hopes that anyone who stops by will be inspired to do better and be better themselves.
We, my husband and I, were in a roll over accident this weekend. We were on our way to go see his daughter at college. It was early, about 10 til 9 when, as we hit the top of the Iosepa exit overpass, the car started fish tailing. I told Kent to take his foot off the gas and brake and he tried steering into the way the car was turning but the car kept on sliding. As we followed the guard rail I kept thinking we would go through it, but we didn’t even touch it, just kept sliding down the hill until we reached the end of the rail and then the car plunged into the ditch and we rolled. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. I could see things flying but didn’t know what they were and Kent was saying, “Oh no, oh no!” I know I was hit by flying stuff, but luckily neither one of us was badly injured when the car finally stopped rolling as it came to rest on the driver side. I was up in the air, thankfully my seatbelt had held fast, and I clung to the hand hold above my window as I braced myself with my feet on the floor of the car so I wouldn’t fall on Kent. We both started to panic as we didn’t know if the car would roll again. Kent started to go into shock, and rightfully so as he had been in a roll over on a dark night a year and a half ago when he hit a black cow that was down on the freeway. I think this incident must have been doubly frightening for him after that experience, but he was able to gain control and call 911. Thank goodness for cell phones by the way! Two young men stopped to see if we were okay. They tried to see if they could get us out, but it would have been hard to try and pull us up through my window, so they stayed with us until the trooper showed up. He was able to pull the back hatch open and I maneuvered both my seat and the back seat around enough to make an opening for us to crawl through. Believe it or not, the lap top I write this on was in the car and survived. We were put in an ambulance, and checked out, but they had to take off to another accident that happened just down the road. We saw later that in 3 counties there were reported over 190 accidents that day due to road conditions, and that didn’t even include Tooele County, where we were. Thankfully we survived relatively
unscathed, with just a minor bruise or sore spot here and there. The car is totalled, but we have full coverage on it so we should get a small amount for it. We were in our 03 Mitsubishi Outlander, which has been my favorite car ever. It was sturdy, had plently of room, and it protected us in the roll over. I feel that if we had been in the Aveo we would have had a much different outcome.
So now I’m exhausted, both mentally and physically. I had major sinus surgery 3 weeks ago, and I still am trying to recover from that. I can breathe much better, but am still having headaches and eye pain. This too shall pass, but right now I’m so scattered and tire easily. So what am I going to do about that? Well, first a change in diet. We eat fairly well nothing out of a box or pre-processed except for an occasional canned food such as tomatoes for sauces and such. We’ve been on a sausage gravy and bisquits kick, as well as much more beef than normal, and more thick gravies and hot dogs, burgers and so on. So, time to lighten up and lean up a bit. I also need to get walking and riding my exercise bike again, and stay away from sugar. Aaah, my down fall is cookies.
Another thing I need to do is not load up my day so much. I tend to put 20 things on my list, and of course, who in their right mind would really do that to themselves?? I heard someone say the other day that you should only have 3 things on your daily list, so prioritizing is important. I say do that, and if there’s time left over to add a couple more things great, otherwise let it go for today. Brigham Young said that you should sleep for 8 hours, work for 8 hours and the other 8 hours should be free time. I like that thought. Those 8 hours of free time would be good for courting my husband, writing letters to my family and friends, and developing any worthy interests I have or doing service for someone else.
So there you have it. A long start for this blog, I realize, but come back and see how this develops. We can share ideas on personal and home preparedness, self improvement, special things we’ve done or seen, but no fluff stuff. I don’t like the manufactured stories that circle the internet and will snopes.com any before sharing. I won’t forward, the ”if you love Jesus you won’t be ashamed to pass this along” stuff either as that is making light of sacred feelings and experiences and I don’t believe in shaming anyone into sharing anything of a spiritual nature. Those thoughts and feelings are not to be shared lightly and prayerful consideration should be sought in deciding when and where to share if at all. I also don’t share pre set prayers, as we all have to communicate with God in our own way. We can ask that others say a prayer for so and so which I will gladly do.
So, have a good day, and come back again sometime.