Sunday, April 4, 2021

He Is Risen Indeed!

At 6:30 this morning we had the opportunity to attend an interdenominational Sunrise service for Easter. What a gorgeous morning for gathering to welcome the Easter sabbath! It was a cool 54 degrees at Edwin A. Pape lake, but the setting, with birds raising a joyful noise in the background was perfect. 

It was a short but sweet service, where I learned that other churches don't believe in what the resurrection is, the way we do. I won't go into that now, as we learned that these kind folks, who had to split from a larger group in order to include our church in this service, are faithful and sincere in their belief in Jesus Christ. Regardless of doctrinal differences, which are few by the way, they accepted us as fellow Christians, when others wouldn't. They truly represent what the gospel of Jesus Christ is all about, loving everyone, and including them in our lives, and our worship of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We also had the opportunity to show support for their benevolence fund, and thus support their good efforts to help those in need. 

Afterwards we talked with and got to know some of our new branch members. Our branch president pointed out that when Joseph Smith went out into the grove that early spring morning so long ago, where he experienced the first vision, he probably saw trees the way we were seeing them this morning, with the tiny green buds on the tree branches. We saw the remnants of winter die off, among patches of newly growing grasses, and some trees still standing bare, unlike the beautiful green trees and undergrowth depicted in so many paintings of that sacred event. An interesting perspective, as we often paint things with limited vision, not knowing all the details. 

Through that event, regardless of the surroundings Joseph Smith experienced, because of his sincere desire to know the truth regarding religion and the gospel in general, we have been blessed with the opportunity to have the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, and to know that He died for us that we might live again. The resurrection is for us all, and we can in all sincerity say, He is risen indeed! 


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